External Evaluation

In 2012, Dr. Susanne Moser (Susanne Moser Research & Consulting) completed an external evaluation of  the success of Pacific RISA, a lead coordinating program for PIRCA, in reaching and influencing different audiences in Hawai‘i and the Pacific region. Dr. Moser conducted key informant interviews, deployed an online survey, and analyzed event, website, and media data to:

  • ascertain the perceptions of interest in and usefulness of the 2012 PIRCA;
  • determine the geographic spread and reach of different types of stakeholders and capture interest in PIRCA information;
  • identify indicators of how the 2012 PIRCA was received; and
  • identify future information needs and ways to improve future assessments.

The evaluation revealed that the 2012 assessment has done extraordinarily well in its outreach and influence, with several indicators illustrating that the Pacific RISA has been instrumental in achieving exceptional results.

Dr. Moser delivered her final report in December 2013 and shared it with PIRCA partners, the National Climate Assessment, and the US Global Change Research Program. Dr. Moser’s recommendations suggest opportunities for future directions of PIRCA and NCA outreach and for sustaining regional assessment efforts.