Hawai‘i and U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands Quarterly Climate Impacts and Outlook – August 2018


The quarterly “Hawaii and US Pacific Islands Region Climate Impacts and Outlook” brings together seasonal predictions and projections alongside information on recent impacts of weather and climate events in a concise and accessible format.

The August 2018 edition summarizes significant climate events and sectoral impacts for May 2018-July 2018 and provides a seasonal outlook for August 2018-October 2018. An El Niño watch is in effect for the Pacific Islands region as of August 2018.

The quarterly outlook draws on the PEAC Climate Center’s “Pacific ENSO Update” quarterly newsletter and other sources. For further information, see pacificcis.org/dashboard.

The “Hawaii and US Pacific Islands Region Climate Impacts and Outlook” is produced by the NOAA Regional Climate Services Director and NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC).